
Merry Christmas


Gaji - Payday

Gaji - Payday

Staying in a modern country, Azman, a technician, feels suffocated with his measly pay. However, his grousing stopped when he realises there are many out there who are actually less fortunate. He begins to think about his contributions to the community.


North-East line MRT annoucement

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8 Types of Singaporean Mothers

MRT announcement in all 4 languages

A marketing assistant's ability to mimic public-service announcements in all four official languages, as delivered at MRT stations, has made her an overnight sensation on YouTube.

A video featuring 20-year-old Nurhafizah Hatman has garnered over 41,000 views by 9pm yesterday since it was posted on Sunday. It was re-posted on citizen-journalism website Stomp and shared on Facebook.

Her uncanny impersonation has even earned the kudos of rail operator SMRT, which said it might consider her for a job.

In the 47-second clip recorded last Sunday, a bespectacled Ms Nurhafizah, who was filmed by a colleague, says in English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil: "Dear passengers, for your own safety, please stand behind the yellow line."

She prefaces her act with a tongue-in-cheek message to SMRT: "I think you should hire me as your train voice-over because you can save money: I'm one person, but I can do it in all four languages."

Ms Nurhafizah, who works at radio station Hot FM 91.3, told My Paper yesterday that she has been quite overwhelmed by the response.

"I'm just glad that I entertained people with it. I'm thankful I didn't have anything stuck in my teeth (when I did the video)," she quipped.

The bubbly Ms Nurhafizah said that she memorised the announcements six years ago when she was in secondary school. While she mastered the English, Mandarin and Malay versions easily, a friend helped her with the pronunciation for the line in Tamil.

Despite not having done the impersonations for a while, her colleagues asked her to do it for the camera recently.

One YouTube user said she displayed the "Singaporean Spirit", and another admitted to watching the video more than three times.

Ms Kalai Natarajan, SMRT's vice-president for corporate marketing and communications, said: "It's great knowing we have a fan like Ms Fizah. She's extremely talented. We really enjoyed her rendition of the announcements and we don't see why we shouldn't consider her for a job at SMRT."

However, not everyone is impressed. A netizen known as pcofmind said on Stomp that such renditions were child's play. He wrote: "I heard other children repeating the announcement... This is really nothing great."

Mr Gui Kai Chong, a National University of Singapore instructor at the Department of Communications and New Media, said that despite the video's seeming ordinariness, it possesses interesting features which helped it to go viral.

For one thing, Singaporeans can readily identify with what is being shown, as commuting by train and listening to the announcements is part and parcel of everyday life, he explained.

In the clip, Ms Nurhafizah also appears to be able to speak the four languages fluently.

He said: "Although we live in a multiracial and multilingual society, this does not happen so often, which is why...audiences might want to forward it to their friends on social media."

~News courtesy of Omy~



Honorary Award for Huang Wenyong

Huang Wenyong's wife and daughter accepted Honorary Award for his contributions to the acting industry. His daughter thanked everyone for the love they have given him and said that this award is the perfect ending to his acting career.

Late actor Huang Wenyong, who was presented an Honorary Award for his contributions to the acting industry, also picked up a Top 10 Most Popular Male Artistes award.




Rude customer vs taxi driver

Rude customer wants to be treated like a King by our Singapore taxi driver @Changi airport T2. Slams door, provoking the driver, creating a ruckus and threatens to shame the driver by posting this video onto youtube. Well judging from the response there, the video uploader seems to have shamed himself instead! Haha! Support our local taxi driver!!!

Singaporeans in a Lift




节目正式开始前,全场起立默哀一分钟,悼念黄文永,并播放短片回顾他为"电视奉献的一­生"。黄文永在早前的访问中说:"我喜爱我的工作, 我一直坚持做下去!" 全场艺人起立,并鼓掌,感谢他为本地电视剧做出的贡献。

Stand Up For SG






文永大哥生前是虔诚的佛教徒,丧礼采取传统佛教仪式进行,灵堂庄严不花哨,亦不烧香,­只以简单的水果供奉祈福 。文永大哥遗体停柩5天后,将根据佛教礼俗火葬。


The Noose Season 6 DBAM

Designed & Built by Ang Mohs (sneak peak)

Harlem Shake

Gangnam Style


12分钟军营题材短片 网民大赞比 《新兵正传》 好看

《Hentak Kaki》拍摄现场。(Pangolin Films提供照片)


青年导演邱贤哲(26岁)前年拍摄的短片《Hentak Kaki》(马来文,意即“原地踏步”)不仅荣获第3届新加坡短片奖最佳表演、第24届新加坡国际电影节短片类最佳影片,还受邀远赴英国、非洲等地参展。



